How Family Chores Works
It's always difficult to decide when, and quite frankly how, to start your children doing chores around the house. Family chores will aid you with the tools and programs to get you started. This program is set up for you, and can easily be customized to suit each home situation. It's simple to use and will track both your children's accomplishments and their goals. The program provides charts that make it simple for you and your family to list, track, and mark off tasks around the house. Your children will receive points each time they complete a chore or task and you, the parent, can redeem your children's points for the rewards each child has chosen.
If you are just starting on Family Chores you will find the program is designed to assist you in developing great work habits for your children with a list of chores suited to their abilities. You can add to, subtract from, and otherwise customize your chores list to suit your family's needs. It's simple to use and will track your children's accomplishments.
These can and will be the most challenging years for you and your children, especially when it comes to the divide between their responsibilities and your expectations. You can add and customize your chores list to suit your family's needs and your children's abilities. If you are just starting to incorporate a great work ethic around the home, Family Chores is an excellent way to create a 'can-do' attitude for your children and add a sense of pride and accomplishment to their lives. The program is designed to reward your children for a job well done. Watch and see how fast children can learn when motivated in a rewarding manner. It's simple to use and will track your children's accomplishments. The program provides tables that make it easy for you and your family to follow. Your child will receive points each time they complete a chore or task and you, the parent, can redeem your children's points for rewards.

Why Is the Site Free? What's the Catch?
Honestly, there is no catch. All of the options available on the website are available to all families entirely for free. Under no circumstances will Family Chores ever sell of share any information regarding its members. All member information is kept in strict confidentiality. Family Chores development and operating costs are offset by a small referral fee which is paid to the company when parents purchase items from their children's wish list online with our advertiser of choice:
Now, doesn't that sound fair?

Summer and Chores
Well it's that time a year again where we all wonder, how did it go so fast. Most of us are trying to figure out our new schedules and how to implement camp, work, childcare and quite frankly what to make for dinner ...more
Eliminating Arguments and Conflict
By: Michael G. Conner, Psy.D,
Published in the Family News, 2002
Parents will often ask me how to eliminate the arguments and conflicts they have with their children ...more
Should kids be paid for good grades
This topic has been thrown around for ages with varying opinions and studies. Some say that it's not a great idea because we teach our kids that it's all about the money and not the benefits of academic achievement itself ...more